What is Geguritan and How to Write It in Javanese Language
Geguritan is a form of poetry in Javanese literature that is not bound by strict rules. It is considered a modern genre of Javanese poetry, unlike the traditional ones such as tembang, parikan, guritan, singir, and tembang dolanan anak-anak. Geguritan can express the feelings and thoughts of the poet in an imaginative way, using elements such as theme, diction, rhyme, and message.
contoh geguritan bahasa jawa tema lingkungan sekolah
Geguritan can be written on various topics, such as education, environment, culture, religion, and so on. In this article, we will focus on one specific topic: school environment. School environment is an important aspect of education that affects the quality of learning and teaching. A good school environment can foster a positive attitude, motivation, and discipline among students and teachers.
Examples of Geguritan in Javanese Language on School Environment
To give you some inspiration, here are some examples of geguritan in Javanese language on school environment that we found from online sources:
Lingkungan Sekolah Adiwiyata
This geguritan was written by Bayu Handoko and published in Sonora.id. It praises the school environment that is clean, green, and well-maintained.
Sekolahku ya iku sekolah adiwiyata
Yen saben esuk kabeh ngeresiki lingkungan
Lan kembang-kembang podo disirami
Poro siswi podho guwak sampah
Ing panggonan sing bener
Sekolahku ya iku sekolah adiwiyata
Yen saben sore kabeh ngresiki kelas
Lan nggawe prasasti sing apik
Poro guru podho ngajari lan ngayomi
Ing panggonan sing bener
Sekolahku ya iku sekolah adiwiyata
Yen saben wengi kabeh ngaji lan nguri-uri budaya
Lan nggawe geguritan sing ayu
Poro murid podho ngerti lan ngrespek
Ing panggonan sing bener
Sekolahku ya iku sekolah adiwiyata
Yen saben dina kabeh nggayuh prestasi lan cita-cita
Lan nggawe karya sing bermutu
Poro alumni podho sukses lan berkah
Ing panggonan sing bener
The translation in English is:
My school is an adiwiyata school
Every morning we all clean the environment
And water the flowers
The students all throw away the trash
In the right place
My school is an adiwiyata school
Every afternoon we all tidy up the class
And make a nice bulletin board
The teachers all teach and protect
In the right place
My school is an adiwiyata school
Every night we all study and preserve the culture
And make beautiful geguritan
The pupils all understand and respect
In the right place
My school is an adiwiyata school
Every day we all strive for achievement and aspiration
And make quality work
The alumni all succeed and prosper
In the right place
Sekolah (School)
This geguritan was written by Martha and published in E-Book Winih Semi \"Antologi Geguritan\" (2000). It expresses the gratitude and appreciation for the school that provides education and knowledge.
Kanthi jangkah kang linambaran tekad
Lan ati sumringah
Aku mulih menyang sekolah
Sekolah kang dadi tempat kanggo nglakoni pendidikan
Sekolah kang dadi tempat kanggo nambah ilmu
Kanthi senyum kang sumilir
Lan rasa kang suminar
Aku nemu guru lan kancaku
Guru kang dadi panuntun kanggo ngrai ilmu
Kancaku kang dadi sahabat kanggo ngrasakake ilmu
Kanthi suara kang linuwih
Lan pikir kang linungguh
Aku njaluk pitulung marang Gusti
Gusti kang dadi sumber saking kabeh ilmu
Gusti kang dadi penjaga saking kabeh ilmu
Kanthi rasa kang linuwes
Lan jiwa kang linurus
Aku matur nuwun marang sekolah
Sekolah kang dadi tempat kanggo nglakoni pendidikan
Sekolah kang dadi tempat kanggo nambah ilmu
The translation in English is:
With steps that show determination
And heart that feels joyful
I go back to school
School that is a place to pursue education
School that is a place to gain knowledge
With smile that shines brightly
And feeling that glows warmly
I meet my teacher and friends
Teacher that is a guide to acquire knowledge
Friends that are companions to share knowledge
With voice that sounds loudly
And thought that thinks deeply
I ask for help from God
God that is the source of all knowledge
God that is the protector of all knowledge
With feeling that flows smoothly
And soul that aligns neatly
I say thank you to school
School that is a place to pursue education
School that is a place to gain knowledge
Why Geguritan is Important for Javanese Culture and Education
Geguritan is not only a form of artistic expression, but also a way of preserving and promoting Javanese culture and education. Geguritan has several benefits and values for the Javanese people, such as:
Geguritan can enrich the Javanese language and literature. By writing geguritan, the Javanese people can develop their vocabulary, grammar, and style of the Javanese language. They can also create new and original works of literature that reflect their identity and creativity.
Geguritan can foster the Javanese values and morals. By writing geguritan, the Javanese people can convey their messages and lessons that are based on the Javanese philosophy and ethics. They can also inspire and motivate others to follow the good examples and behaviors.
Geguritan can enhance the Javanese aesthetic and artistic sense. By writing geguritan, the Javanese people can appreciate the beauty and harmony of the Javanese poetry. They can also express their emotions and imagination in a poetic and artistic way.
Geguritan can strengthen the Javanese identity and pride. By writing geguritan, the Javanese people can show their respect and love for their culture and heritage. They can also preserve and promote their culture and language to the younger generations and other communities.
Therefore, geguritan is an important aspect of Javanese culture and education that should be maintained and developed by the Javanese people.
How to Appreciate Geguritan in Javanese Language
Appreciating geguritan in Javanese language is not only a matter of reading or listening to it, but also a matter of understanding and enjoying it. To appreciate geguritan in Javanese language, you need to do some steps and tips, such as:
Read or listen to the geguritan carefully and attentively. Pay attention to the words, sounds, rhythms, and meanings of the geguritan. Try to catch the main idea and message of the geguritan.
Analyze the elements of the geguritan critically and objectively. Identify the theme, diction, rhyme, and message of the geguritan. Evaluate how they are used and arranged by the poet.
Interpret the geguritan creatively and subjectively. Relate the geguritan to your own experience, knowledge, or opinion. Express your thoughts and feelings about the geguritan.
Enjoy the geguritan aesthetically and emotionally. Appreciate the beauty and harmony of the geguritan. Feel the emotions and imagination of the poet.
Here is an example of how to appreciate a geguritan in Javanese language on school environment using the steps above:
Lingkungan Sekolahku (My School Environment)
Lingkungan sekolahku ya iku lingkungan sing apik
Sing nggawe aku seneng lan betah
Sing nggawe aku iso belajar lan berkembang
Sing nggawe aku iso ngrespek lan ngasihi
Lingkungan sekolahku ya iku lingkungan sing rapi
Sing nggawe aku iso ngatur lan ngayomi
Sing nggawe aku iso ngresiki lan ngrawat
Sing nggawe aku iso ngayomi lan nglindhungi
Lingkungan sekolahku ya iku lingkungan sing asri
Sing nggawe aku iso njaga lan nglestari
Sing nggawe aku iso ngrasakake lan ngrawuhake
Sing nggawe aku iso njaga lan nglestari
Lingkungan sekolahku ya iku lingkungan sing ayu
Sing nggawe aku iso ngapresiasi lan nguri-uri
Sing nggawe aku iso ngrungokake lan nyanyi
Sing nggawe aku iso ngapresiasi lan nguri-uri
Lingkungan sekolahku ya iku lingkungan sing pinter
Sing nggawe aku iso nambah ilmu lan wawasan
Sing nggawe aku iso njupuk pitulung lan wejangan
Sing nggawe aku iso nambah ilmu lan wawasan
Lingkungan sekolahku ya iku lingkungan sing guna
Sing nggawe aku iso golek cita-cita lan tujuan
Sing nggawe aku iso golek karya lan prestasi
Sing nggawe aku iso golek cita-cita lan tujuan
The translation in English is:
My school environment is a good environment
That makes me happy and comfortable
That makes me able to learn and grow
That makes me able to respect and love
My school environment is a neat environment
That makes me able to organize and protect
That makes me able to clean and care
That makes me able to protect and defend
My school environment is a green environment
That makes me able to preserve and conserve
That makes me able to enjoy and appreciate
That makes me able to preserve and conserve
My school environment is a beautiful environment
That makes me able to appreciate and honor
That makes me able to listen and sing
That makes me able to appreciate and honor
My school environment is a smart environment
That makes me able to increase my knowledge and insight
That makes me able to seek help and advice
That makes me able to increase my knowledge and insight
My school environment is a useful environment
That makes me able to pursue my aspiration and goal
That makes me able to create work and achievement
That makes me able to pursue my aspiration and goal
The steps of appreciating this geguritan are:
Read or listen to the geguritan carefully. Notice how each stanza consists of four lines that rhyme with each other (ABAB). Notice how each line ends with a word that has similar sound (apik-rapi-asri-ayu-pinter-guna).
Analyze the elements of the geguritan objectively. The theme of this geguritan is school environment. The diction is simple but expressive. The rhyme scheme is ABAB throughout the geguritan. The message is about how the poet loves his or her school environment because it has various positive qualities.
Interpret the geguritan subjectively. This geguritan reminds me of my own school environment that I miss so much. I agree with the poet that school environment is important for our education and development. I like how the poet uses different adjectives (good, neat, green, beautiful, smart, useful) to describe his or her school environment.
Enjoy the geguritan aesthetically. I think this geguritan is very beautiful and harmonious. I like how it sounds when I read it aloud or listen to it. I feel happy and proud when I read this geguritan.
Geguritan is a form of poetry in Javanese literature that is not bound by strict rules. It can express the feelings and thoughts of the poet in an imaginative way, using elements such as theme, diction, rhyme, and message. Geguritan can be written on various topics, such as education, environment, culture, religion, and so on.
In this article, we have focused on one specific topic: school environment. School environment is an important aspect of education that affects the quality of learning and teaching. A good school environment can foster a positive attitude, motivation, and discipline among students and teachers.
We have provided some examples of geguritan in Javanese language on school environment that we found from online sources. We have also explained how to write geguritan in Javanese language using some basic steps and tips. We have also shown how to appreciate geguritan in Javanese language using some steps and tips.
We hope that this article has been informative and helpful for you. We hope that you have learned something new and interesting about geguritan and school environment. We hope that you will try to write and appreciate geguritan in Javanese language by yourself. Thank you for reading this article. d282676c82